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Chilean apples flourish in the colder regions of Central and Southern Chile and are available from late January through November. More than 40 different varieties of apples are exported from Chile, with the top 5 varieties in volume consisting of Royal Gala, Richared Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala and Tenroy Royal Gala.

Apples are loaded with nutrition! A medium apple contains 17% of the Daily Value (DV) of fiber, 14% DV of vitamin C and 6% DV of potassium…all for only 95 calories. Most of the fiber and antioxidants are in the peel.


  • Stock multiple varieties in order to offer a range of colors and flavor profiles to shoppers.
  • Introduce new varieties with signage informing shoppers of their unique characteristics.
  • Display front and center in the produce department to maximize sales.
  • Cross-merchandise with other items and promote apples as an alternative to snack foods and dips near checkout
  • Keeping apples in refrigeration on display will extend their shelf life



Chile Origin Apple

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